Satan's Slave - The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

1.Main titles
2.Sacrifice (Original Mix)
3.Head smashed and stabbed
4.Drive to Alexander's and crash
5.Car inferno
6.Catherine sleeps
7.Everything seems so unreal
8.A walk in the grounds
9.Visions in the woods
10.Grave side and Camilla's headstone
11.Do you mind if I join you?
12.Catherine's bracelet is taken
13.Picnic in a car
14.Evil elevator
15.Evil elevator and trance
16.Catherine's nightmare
17.Catherine and Stephen make love
18.Frances tells all
19.Stephen kills Frances and kitchen rendezvous
20.Catherine escapes
21.Get her! Get her back!
22.Catherine discovers the truth
23.End titles
24.Unused cue