Sibelius: Academic March, Cantata for the Conferment Ceremony of 1894 & Cantata for the Coronation of Nicholas II

1.Promootiomarssi (Academic March), JS 155:Promootiomarssi (Academic March)
2.Cantata for the Helsinki University ceremonies of 1894, JS 105:Syntyi kun maailmat, luonto kun luotiin (When the planets were born, when nature was created)
3.Andante festivo, JS 34b (version for string orchestra and timpani)
4.Cantata for the Coronation of Nicholas II, JS 104 (text by P. Cajander):Terve nuori ruhtinas (Hail young prince)
5.Cantata for the Coronation of Nicholas II, JS 104 (text by P. Cajander):Oikeuden varmasa turvassa (In the sure security of justice)
6.Finlandia, Op. 26 (version for mixed chorus and orchestra)