The Glory Days Remixed

1.No Party Like a Mojang Party (_ensnare_ Remix)
2.Sevcon (Chipzel Remix)
3.No Party Like a Mojang Party (Ben Briggs Remix)
4.Micksplosions (Jeff Ball's McTorgue the Barbarian Remix)
5.No Party Like a Mojang Party (C-jeff Remix)
6.Artifact Hunter (Alexander Brandon Remix)
7.The Chiptune Legacy (Danimal Cannon's Plop Plunk Remix)
8.Gront is a Muppet (Souleye's Soft Green Muppet Remix)
9.Vindicate Me feat. Random aka Mega Ran
10.Snowcones (Stemage & Zantilla Remix)
11.A Rose in a Field (C418 Remix)