Haydn: Scottish and Welsh Songs, Vol. 2

1.Willie Was a Wanton Wag, Hob. XXXIa:4bis
2.Fy Gar Rub Her o'er Wi' Strae, Hob. XXXIa:7bis
3.Up in the Morning Early, Hob. XXXIa:28ter
4.The Lea-Rig, Hob. XXXIa:31bis
5.The Brisk Young Lad, Hob. XXXIa:46bis
6.The Mucking o' Geordie's Byre, Hob. XXXIa:51bis
7.Whistle o'er the Lave o't, Hob. XXXIa:76bis
8.My Nanie, O, Hob. XXXIa:37 Quater
9.The Bonny Gray Ey'd Morn, Hob. XXXIa:101
10.The Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn, Hob. XXXIa:101bis
11.Yon Wild Mossy Mountains, Hob. XXXIa:119
12.My Goddess Woman, Hob. XXXIa:120
13.She's Fair and Fause, Hob. XXXIa:121
14.O'er the Moor Amang the Heather, Hob. XXXIa:122
15.The Tears I Shed, Hob. XXXIa:123
16.The Wee Wee Man, Hob. XXXIa:124
17.The Wee, Wee Man, Hob. XXXIa:124bis
18.Nithsdall's Welcome Hame, Hob. XXXIa:125
19.Bid Me Not Forget, Hob. XXXIa:126
20.Lady Randolph's Complaint, Hob. XXXIa:127
21.The Weary Pound o'Tow, Hob. XXXIa:129
22.The Tither Morn, Hob. XXXIa:130
23.Ae Fond Kiss, Hob. XXXIa:131
24.Jenny Drinks Nae Water, Hob. XXXIa:132
25.The Vain Pursuit, Hob. XXXIa:133
26.What Can a Young Lassie Do, Hob. XXXIa:134
27.The Rose Bud, Hob. XXXIa:135
28.Dear Silvia, Hob. XXXIa:136
29.The Slave's Lament, Hob. XXXIa:137
30.The Death of the Linnet, Hob. XXXIa:138
31.Donald and Flora, Hob. XXXIa:139
32.Roy's Wife, Hob. XXXIa:103
33.While Hopeless, Hob. XXXIa:104
34.The Bonnie Wee Thing, Hob. XXXIa:102
35.Lass Gin Ye Lo'e Me, Tell Me Now, Hob. XXXIa:140
36.Morag, Hob. XXXIa:143bis
37.Frae the Friends and Land I Love, Hob. XXXIa:105
38.Kelly-Burn Braes, Hob. XXXIa:148
39.The Young Highland Rover, Hob. XXXIa:143
40.O Country Lassie, Hob. XXXIa:144
41.On a Bank of Flowers, Hob. XXXIa:142
42.I Canna Come Ilka Day to WoO, Hob. XXXIa:140bis
43.Tho' for Seven Years and Mair, Hob. XXXIa:146
44.Bess and Her Spinning Wheel, Hob. XXXIa:147
45.O'er the Hills and Far Away, Hob. XXXIa:149
46.Hughie Graham, Hob. XXXIa:141
47.Kellyburn Braes, Hob. XXXIa:148bis
48.Strathallan's Lament, Hob. XXXIa:145
49.Down the Burn, Davie, Hob. XXXIa:152
50.O'er the Hills and Far Awa, Hob. XXXIa:149bis
51.William and Margaret, Hob. XXXIa:153
52.Strephon and Lydia, Hob. XXXIa:150
53.A Cold Frosty Morning, Hob. XXXIa:107
54.Johnie Armstrong, Hob. XXXIa:109
55.Now Westlin Winds, Hob. XXXIa:111
56.O For Ane and Twenty, Tam!, Hob. XXXIa:108
57.As I Cam Down By Yon Castle Wa', Hob. XXXIa:114
58.The Posie, Hob. XXXIa:113
59.Donocht Head, Hob. XXXIa:115
60.The Minstrel, Hob. XXXIa:115bis
61.The Ewy Wi' the Crooked Horn, Hob. XXXIa:116
62.I Do Confess Thou Art Sae Fair, Hob. XXXIa:110
63.Fair Eliza, Hob. XXXIa:117
64.Green Sleeves, Hob. XXXIa:112
65.The Lass of Patie's Mill, Hob. XXXIa:160
66.Logan Water, Hob. XXXIa:163
67.Peggy, I Must Love Thee, Hob. XXXIa:167
68.The Broom of Cowdenknows, Hob. XXXIa:170
69.Waly Waly, Hob. XXXIa:214bis
70.She Rose, and Let Me in, Hob. XXXIa:219bis
71.Macpherson's Farewell, Hob. XXXIa:182
72.The Maid That Tends the Goats, Hob. XXXIa:221bis
73.Rattling Roaring Willy, Hob. XXXIa:227
74.Oran Gaoil, Hob. XXXIa:228
75.Deil Tak' the Wars, Hob. XXXIa:229
76.The Poet's Ain Jean, Hob. XXXIa:230
77.Up and War Them a' Willy, Hob. XXXIa:233
78.The East Neuk O' Fife, Hob. XXXIa:234
79.Thro' the Wood, Laddie, Hob. XXXIa:181
80.The Wish, Hob. XXXIa:245
81.The Happy Trio, Hob. XXXIa:243
82.The Ewe-Bughts, Hob. XXXIa:188
83.My Apron Deary, Hob. XXXIa:189
84.My Love She's But a Lassie Yet, Hob.XXXIa:194
85.Gil Morris, Hob. XXXIa:196
86.The Sutor's Doughter, Hob. XXXIa:198
87.The Last Time I Came o'er the Muir, Hob. XXXIa:199
88.Robin Adair, Hob. XXXIa:202
89.The Old Highlands Laddie, Hob. XXXIa:248
90.The Widow, Hob. XXXIa:118
91.The Shepherd's Wife, Hob. XXXIa:128
92.The Shepherd's Son, Hob. XXXIa:106
93.Craigieburn Wood, Hob. XXXIa:193
94.What Can a Young Lassie Do, Hob. XXXIa:134bis
95.My Love She's but a Lassie Yet, Hob. XXXIa:194
96.The Flowers of Edinburgh, Hob. XXXIa:90bis
97.Gramachree, Hob. XXXIa:13bis
98.Langolee, Hob. XXXIa:235
99.Hey Tutti Taiti, Hob. XXXIa:174
100.Killiecrankie, Hob. XXXIa:169