VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Fantasia on Christmas Carols / Hodie

1.Fantasia on Christmas Carols
2.Hodie (This Day):Prologue: Nowell! Nowell!
3.Hodie (This Day):Lullaby: Sweet was the song the Virgin sang
4.Hodie (This Day):Narration: Now is the birth of Jesus Christ
5.Hodie (This Day):Song: It was the winter wild
6.Hodie (This Day):Narration: And it came to pass in those days
7.Hodie (This Day):Song: The Oxen
8.Hodie (This Day):Narration: And the shepherds returned
9.Hodie (This Day):Narration: But Mary kept all these things
10.Hodie (This Day):Hymn: Bright portals of the sky
11.Hodie (This Day):The March of the 3 Kings: From kingdoms of wisdom
12.Hodie (This Day):Choral: No sad thought his soul affright
13.Hodie (This Day):Epilogue: In the beginning was the Word
14.Hodie (This Day):Choral: The blessed son of God
15.Hodie (This Day):Narration: And there were in the same country
16.Hodie (This Day):Narration: Now when Jesus was born
17.Hodie (This Day):Pastoral: The shepherds sing